Croy Nielsen


Art Berlin

Zoe Barcza, Nicolas Jasmin, Sandra Mujinga

12. – 15. 9. 2019
Installation view Art Berlin, 2019, Zoe Barcza, Nicolas Jasmin, Sandra Mujinga, photo: Joachim Schulz

Installation view Art Berlin, 2019, Zoe Barcza, Nicolas Jasmin, Sandra Mujinga, photo: Joachim Schulz

Installation view Art Berlin, 2019, Zoe Barcza, Nicolas Jasmin, Sandra Mujinga, photo: Joachim Schulz

Installation view Art Berlin, 2019, Zoe Barcza, Nicolas Jasmin, Sandra Mujinga, photo: Joachim Schulz

Nicolas Jasmin, left to right: Untitled (El, Er, Z, Ws W) PUDEL, Untitled (El, Er, Z, Ws W) KING, Untitled (El, Er, Z, Ws W) TAKTIK, Untitled (El, Er, Z, Ws W) INCOGNITO, Untitled (El, Er, Z, Ws W) RENAISSANCE, 2019, Laser etched mixed media on hessian, 45 × 55 cm each, Art Berlin, 2019, photo: Joachim Schulz

Nicolas Jasmin, left to right: Untitled (El, Er, Z, Ws W) PUDEL, Untitled (El, Er, Z, Ws W) KING, Untitled (El, Er, Z, Ws W) TAKTIK, Untitled (El, Er, Z, Ws W) INCOGNITO, Untitled (El, Er, Z, Ws W) RENAISSANCE, 2019, Laser etched mixed media on hessian, 45 × 55 cm each, Art Berlin, 2019, photo: Joachim Schulz

Zoe Barcza, Vocabulary of Feelings: Met Needs, 2018, Oil, acrylic and vinyl paint on canvas, 160 × 90 cm

Zoe Barcza, Vocabulary of Feelings: Met Needs, 2018, Oil, acrylic and vinyl paint on canvas, 160 × 90 cm

Zoe Barcza, Vocabulary of Feelings: Unmet Needs, 2018, Oil, acrylic and vinyl paint on canvas, 160 × 90 cm

Zoe Barcza, Vocabulary of Feelings: Unmet Needs, 2018, Oil, acrylic and vinyl paint on canvas, 160 × 90 cm